Sunday, December 6, 2009

First encounter with the Smooth Otters

I was laughed at for making a trip to Sungei Buloh on my annual leave day, but that's alright, because it was all worthwhile! Another impromtu decision, I brought my parents to Sungei Buloh on the morning of 25 Nov. It was an attempt to answer their questions on where I disappear to on weekends, and why I always come home with plenty of mossie bites.

They were initially complaining about mossies, and how I dragged them early in the morning to watch only 1 species of bird (Little Egret is all they can spot). This misconception was very quickly corrected through the bino which allowed them to spot many waders. The pretty Stork-billed Kingfisher (Halcyon capensis) we saw towards the end of our trip also helped to prove them wrong.

The highlight of the day has to be the Smooth Otters (Lutrogale perspicillata). We were at Platform 2, and I was actually looking for crocodiles when my mum asked 'what's that?'. On the opposite bank, one after another, the otters were running into the water, making loud calls. I almost went berserk! My mum initially thought they were seals..need to expose her more to nature and erm common sense.. =P

I counted, and I thought I saw 6 of them! Unfortunately, they swam so fast, I had no chance to take any photos of them, but I was happy enough to steal a few peeks at them!

I must say my mum really has sharp eyes. At the main bridge, she again spotted them, this time round swimming towards the main bridge. One by one, they came ashore to the box near the fresh water pond.

4 of them headed straight to the sand box and started rolling around, probably to maintain oil in their coat.

1 sniffed around the the water edge. Hmm..seems like they were only 5 of them. I probably have miscounted earlier on.

The playful group went to disturb the Malayan Water Monitor (Vararus salvator), which flinged its tail in protest.

The Otters seem to have the courtesy in taking turns to visit a nearby bush, not sure for what purpose, didn't quite look like it was their make-shift toilet. They look like they were in a 4x100m relay!

They hang around for about 10 minutes or so, and left for another swim.

I am convinced that its either a weekday thing, or I really need a companion's luck (in this case, my parents probably had beginner's luck!). I almost wanted to bet on '5566' that day, because in Aida's words, really 'huat' to see the Otters!! Can't wait for the next sighting! =)


Ron Yeo said...

Finally! Haha

Been waiting for u to post the photos since u told me abt ur encounter.

Peiting said...

yah i know, my entries are lagging!
both u & Lk should be called blogchasers instead. =P

~mantamola~ said...

huh! tiDE cHAsER = blOG cHAsER?? :-)